Evolution is a bitch, man
2004-07-02, 9:39 a.m.

I was reading through an old book I had read whilst in college last night while eating my burrito and 4 negra modelos, and it reminded me of a conversation I had a few years ago with Erika. The book, "Sex, Evolution and Behavior" is basically a study on animal reproductive behavior- yes, I am that big of a dork that I was reading this while at a bar. Anyway, the discussion I mentioned was regarding men being lying, cheating pigs. For the record, I agreed with Erika in that they(we) are, but I had something to back it up with. I am going to paraphrase a section of the book I was reading over last night:

Back in the 60's, there was scientist who was studing mating patterns of fish which live in drainage basins in Georgetown, Guyana. The fish consisted of guppies, and three of their cousins- all of which are from the same genus (which is one step above species, in case you were keeping track). Basically, all four different species, while looking virtually the same, hybrid offspring in virtually all cases prove inviable, basically ensuring no cross species mixing. The males of the four species all engage in distinct, species specific courtship routines, which their corresponding females recognize. Meaning that a female of one particular species only gets turned on by males of her own ilk. Even inexperienced 'virgin' females recognize males of their own kind. This is important, because females only have a finite amount of reproductive resources during their life span, and they cannot afford to waste time and energy getting on with guys that are only going to give them retarded children, so to speak. On the other hand, the male guppies at first court all females indiscrimately, but then learn through experience to only chase after the females they know they've got a shot at actually banging. So even in the fish world, males are pigs. Little male guppy pigs.

This all stems from the sexual chasm that exists between males and females. Men can have an infinite # of children, theoretically speaking, while a female, MAYBE can produce 10 or 12 kids during her life time, under normal conditions. So right off the bat, their is a conflict. A female, having to carry a child in her womb for 9 months, and then breast feed it for several more, has a lot more invested in each of her children than the father does. While his woman is carrying around his baby, he could be out getting other women knocked up. Look at it this way- lets say you've got 100 dollars. If you're a guy, you have to spend 1 dollar for every kid you have. If your a woman, you have to spend 10 dollars for each one, so who do you think is going to be more careful where they spend that money? Or look at it this way, if you lost or wasted 1 dollar, how upset would you be? How about if you lost 10? Bottom line is that guys know that woman have much more invested in their mutual children than they do, so they can pretty much walk away feeling fairly secure that the mother is going to end up raising the child, with or without his help. And even if she doesn't- he's only out one dollar. So there you have it- men are genetically engineered to be lying, cheating, selfish pigs. Sorry about that, ladies. Our bad.

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