Reds game, pot, and sex.
2004-07-04, 2:19 p.m.

OK, so I just got back from dropping Anne off after getting a 1:00pm 'breakfast' at Bob Evans. I hate that fuckin' place. Why is it I ALWAYS end up there on Sunday after the churchies have been let loose? Watching all of these old people stuff their faces dressed in their Sunday Best, and I'm sitting there in jeans and a T-shirt, having just crawled out of bed 40 minutes prior. I honestly wonder who is more pathetic. I think they are.

So here is the story with Anne- we went to the Reds game, the Reds won. I actually enjoyed the game a lot more than I thought I would. Having 5 beers during the game didn't hurt. Anne had 6, and was actually having a hard time walking a straight line back to the car, which wasn't good, because I had no idea how to get back to the highway. Interesting development- I told her that I smoke a little from time to time, and I could just see her eyes light up- like a little kid who's parents just told them they were getting a new puppy. She proceeds to tell me how she has ALWAYS wanted to try it, but never really had the chance. I told her if she wanted, we could head back to my place after the game, and she could try it. I think she asked me 10 times from that point on, "We're going back to your place to smoke, right?" "You've got pot at your place, right?" So we got back here and popped in some Chappelle Show. I got stoned, Anne tried to, but I think didn't really know what she was doing- it'll take her some practice. She couldn't even light the lighter. If you've never smoked, you have to sort of train your body to actually take the smoke in, which she wasn't used to. I think she got a couple of decent hits in, but not enough to really get stoned. Perhaps she'll want to try again tonight.....

So anyway, she slept over, and we had sex for the first time. I think it went fairly well. She seemed to enjoy herself- I was just happy to have not cum in the first 2 minutes. I hate condoms. Emily and I never used them since she had an IUD, and now I'm not used to them anymore. I had actually been sort of curious to what her body was like- she wears all of this frumpy, oversized stuff that hides her figure- almost like a dike, so I really had no idea what to expect- but SHIT. Her chest was just as big as Michelle's, which was shocking, because Michelle has some tig 'ole bitties. Michelle always wore clothes to accentuate her chest, while Anne obviously goes out of her way to hide hers. I felt like asking her, "How on earth did you keep those things hidden?"

Anne could really be hot if she tried to- she just doesn't try. She needs a different hair cut, a new pair of glasses, and some better clothes, and she could have guys hitting on her all the time. She is very much a tomboy in a lot of ways- she loves beer, follows baseball religiously, and basically dresses like a guy- and she needs to wax her upper lip- I hadn't really noticed that until we were kissing last night, and then today I really looked, and yeah- she needs to wax that shit off. Which is odd, because she keeps herself pretty tidy south of the border, so you'd think she'd do the same for her regular lips.

She could end up being an interesting make-over project. Maybe I'll call those people from that show on TV with the two really obnoxious hosts who make over people. I wonder if she presents herself the ways she does because she doesn't know any better, or because she doesn't want to be objectified..... she is definately an interesting cookie, regardless.

Billy Dee is running in circles chasing his tail. I need to run to the grocery and get some food and something to wash my car with- it rained a little this morning, and now there's rain spots on my new car.

Anne and I are going to see Spiderman 2 this evening....

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