2004-08-08, 7:26 p.m.

A somewhat relaxing and uneventful end to my extended B-day weekend. Contemplating calling Anne tonight and breaking things off with her. I know I need to- I know I've needed to for a while- it was actually kind of commical...we were at Chipotle grabbing dinner on Friday, and she suddenly notices, while at the restaurant, that her jeans have a rip in the ass. I could have told her that over a week ago. How in the hell did she noticed at the restaurant? I wonder if someone there told her. So we have to go back to her place so she can change before we go to this somewhat lame going away party for her co-worker Calvin. Calvin seems like a pretty cool guy, and I ended up chatting with this guy named Bob most of the evening. Bob is pretty cool. I like Bob. And is it turns out, Bob lives in my neighborhood. The rest of the people at the party were pretty dull, and/or obnoxious. Mostly obnoxious.

I was going to write in here how I finally realized that the reason I've been so miserable lately is because I feel like I'm alone for the first time in my life. I've always had someone there- relationship wise who I felt I could relate to. Lissa, Kasia, Emily....and now no one. So I was going to ramble and pontificate on how I am just a needy SOB, but fuck that. I'm in too good a mood to spoil it with trite little introspections.

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