Shove that yellow ribbon up your ass
2004-08-18, 2:46 p.m.

I am really getting tired of seeing these damn yellow ribbon stickers on the backs of cars "Support our Troops". Like bying a fucking sticker for your car is going to help support them. And what I REALLY find amusing is how a lot of the same people have Bush/Cheney '04 stickers right along side the yellow ribbon. If someone can explain to me how you can be voting for Bush, who has sent tens of thousands of young men and women to fight in a pointless war- over a thousand of whom have come home in body bags, and thousands more maimed and wounded, can have a yellow ribbon on their car saying they support our troops, I'm all ears. Simple fact: Bush doesn't support our troops, and doesn't give two shits about them. If he did, they wouldn't be in Iraq right now. If he did, he wouldn't have cut veteran's health benefits. If he did, he wouldn't be forcing soldiers who have fullfilled their military obligations to stay on active duty. If he cared about them, he would have waited until we actually had proof and a good reason to go to war. Point of course being that he KNEW we didn't have a rational reason, so we went to war before anyone could actually prove we didn't. That stupid fucker makes me sick. So all of you soccer moms out there with the yellow ribbons on your mini vans need to take a few seconds to actually think about the best way to support our troops instead of pretending to with some stupid ass bumber sticker. Its really easy to fake patriotism by wrapping yourself in a flag and slapping a sticker to the back of your car. If you really want to be patriotic, take a few minutes and look at some of the legislation being pushed through your federal government- legislation that actually provides tax breaks for companies that sends jobs overseas, or that creates tax cuts for people earning over 200,000 a year, or that allows semi automatic weapons to be purchased by anyone without a background check. Thats it man, I'm moving to Canada.

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