More yellow ribbon BS
2004-08-19, 1:11 p.m.

OK- just driving through ONE row of cars in the parking lot at work, I saw 6 yellow ribbons on the backs of cars. Out of curiosity, I went to the website where you can buy these things, and they mention that the proceeds go to creating care packages for the troops. It does not, however, say how much of the proceeds are used for that purpose. This is a company that is in the business of selling something- and to stay in business, you need to make a profit. If you want to be buy one magnet, its 4 dollars. The price per magnet drops the more of them you order. I would have to assume at this point that MAYBE .50 cents out of each magnet they sell goes to these so called care packages, since they don't tell you. Nore does it say what is in the care packages or who they are being sent to. This is a business, people- and they are suckering you into buying their product to line their own pockets. If you want to send a care package to the troops, there are other ways of doing so- I found three sites on the internet that do just that without even having to look for more than 2 minutes. This ribbon magnet bullshit is tantamount to giving a homeless person 5 dollars so they can buy food, and then they run to the liquor store and waste it on booze. If you want to feed the homeless, give them food- volunteer at a soup kitchen or a homeless shelter. If you want to support the troops, cut out the money grubbing middle man and do it yourself, if you care that fuckin' much. If you want to do charity work, get off your ass and do it instead of paying someone else to do it for you. It kind of reminds me of this movie where Jeff Bridges is hanging out with a homeless guy who is begging for change in a train station. Some guy walks by and just drops money into his cup without even looking at him. Jeff Brdiges says, "That guy didn't even look at you." To which the homeless guy replies, "He's paying so he doesn't have to look." I think that sums this up perfectly. People buy these stupid ribbons to make themselves think they're actually doing something and can convince themselves into ignoring the real problem. I guess the old saying is still true- ignorance is bliss.

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