fuck it all.
2004-09-02, 8:35 p.m.

My sister's flight has been canceled- damn it. Valentina has not returned my calls or emailed me. Go figure. I drank my dinner at Dorothy Lane- Thursday night wine tastings are good for that. I'm sure I'll be at Saturday's too. Perhaps during halftime of the Michigan game. I thought my sister and I could go, since she likes wine, too. I guess that won't be happening. My dad called today while I was at work. Essentially, he has been fired from his job, and has been "re-assigned" to a plant in Canada, effective next month. My sister isn't coming to visit, Valentina has blown me off, and my dad is moving to Cananda. Its been a really good day, hence the mass consumption of alcohol. I had 6 glasses of wine at the store, and I'm on my 2nd beer since getting home, and I have yet to eat any dinner. I just want to wake up and have it be Saturday.

I wonder if anyone is ever really happy. I've had my moments when I thought I have been, but they have been fleeting. I don't think anyone is ever truly happy. As much as I hate to draw this parallel, "The Matrix" brought up a good point- people gauge existence through misery, not through euphoria or happiness. Do I REALLY have anything to complain about? No, not really- relatively speaking. But I do. As do most of us. I think we only really feel alive when we are miserable. Happiness is a momentary blip that inevetibly gets suffocated by our innate predisposition to find flaws in everything. Conflict is what perpetuates our existence. If that were not the case, wouldn't the entire world be living in harmony at this point? We certainly have the capacity to provide a decent living for everyone at this point- but we don't. This is of course the basic tennent behind Communism- which has proven to be a complete failure as a way of life, because it runs contrary to every human instinct. We are all lazy, and will only do what we have to in order to exist. Everyone is ready to stab their brother in the back when push comes to shove.

President Bush will be on TV in a matter of moments to tell us why he is such a great president. I'm going to tune in just for comic value. I could certainly use a good laugh right now. That alcoholic born again christian draft dodging cocaine addict is doing what he has done with every other job he has ever had- treated it as a joke and run it into the ground. And that includes being a father. I was sick watching his daugher's actually ridicule their grandmother on national TV for not being "hip" the other day. The apple never falls far from the tree. Since Bush has nothing else to run on, he is trying to scare us into thinking the other guy can't lead us in our war against "terrorism". I didn't realize terrorism was a tangible entity until Bush took office- I always thought it was a tactic used by various organizations to obtain leverage. Shows how much I know. I guess in that respect I am an enemy of the war on drugs, since I smoke pot. How can you wage a war on drugs? Shouldn't you be waging the war against drug SUPPLIERS? Of course the war against terrorism is going to be about as effective as the war on drugs. What a joke. Maybe I'll just move to Canada with my dad. Pot is essetially legal there now.

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