Chernobyl heart
2004-09-16, 9:10 p.m.

Here is when you know you're truly on friendly terms with your ex: When she/ he tries to set you up with a single friend of theirs. Kasia has set me up for a 'date' type thing this sunday. Shocking, but in a really good way. Its nice to know that Kasia is completely past the history between her and I. We'll see how it goes.

I saw this thing on HBO the other night about people who have grown up in the shadow of Chernobyl. Jesus Christ. People who were young when it happened tend to have thyroid cancer (close to 40% of them). A lot of the children born AFTER it happened have the most greusome birth defects. There was this girl who was born with her brain completely outside her skull. It just sat there on her upper back in a skin sack. Another kid had this huge bulge (which contained his kidneys) around his waist which retarded the growth of his legs. Another kid was born with completely deformed hands and feet. When asked what he wanted to be when he grew up, he answered, "A doctor- so I can help little kids." A lot of kids are also born with holes between the chambers of their hearts. Kind of fucks up your blood flow, if you know anything about how hearts work. It made me think about how much money is spent caring for these kids who have no future. Not to sound cruel, but they have nothing to look forward to. granted, in Belaruse, they don't get veryt much care. But what if that had happened in the US? How much money would be spent caring for them? How much money do we spend caring for people who have no reason to live? And then we tell them it is illegal to ask for help in dying. I think doctors (the AMA) are against assisted suicide because it pulls money out of their pockets. They can get more money keeping someone in a comma than they can helping them die. How can we say we live in a free society when we are being told we can't decide when to end our own lives? And seeing as how suicide is illegal, can you be arrested for "attempted suicide", like attempted murder? Inquiring minds want to know. I think we should dispose of everyone who wishes to be disposed of, and also those who serve no benefit to society. If you're in a coma, and have no chance of recovery, why keep you alive? You're wasting time and money that could be spent on someone who actually has a fighting chance. Same with lifers in prison. Either put them to use doing something constructive, or kill them. There is no point behind permanent unproductive incarceration.

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