Freedom of Speech- or not.
2004-10-04, 8:56 p.m.

I found this little nugget of close mindedness on one of my co-worker's desk today and I just had to make a copy and take it home. At the risk of exposing myself to copyright infringment, I'm going to copy it on here with notes of my own in parethesis:

Titled "Freedom" of Speech

A letter for thought to all anti war protesters (double negative- an anti war protester is by definition pro war). Where were you? Where were you after 9/11? Why weren't you out protesting terrorism after that? Why didn't you go to Afghanistan and march or stand on their college steps and protest? Terrorism continues today in counties like Pakistan and Israel, why not protest there? (I'm not sure if he's trying to imply that Israel harbors terrorists. If so, why do we sell them arms?) Why not live there if this country is so bad because we might go to war? My guess would be that you would not because they do not have the freedoms we have (ok, so he's basically saying that people who excersize free speech should all move to countries that do not allow it). The freedom we have has been attained through war and the lives of many brave men and women. Would we be a free country if we didn't war? I think not! There are many evil men and countries that would love to rule us. Without war you wouldn't have the freedom of speech you so love to express.
It takes a lot of courage to stand and protest in the safety of our own country (ok, so here he is calling people cowards who stand up against something they think is wrong). Why are you safe? Go to Iraq or North Korea and protest against the country and see what happens. If our country was like theirs wouldn't you want war for freedom? How do you maintain freedom when you protest war, which secures it? (So we can't have freedom of speech if that speech is to voice that you're against war? That really isn't free speech then, so he just contradicted himself). Should we have done nothing when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor? Should we leave Saddam alone? What if we'd left Hitler alone? (Ok, two obvious points here- Japan attacked us, Iraq did not. And Hitler invaded several other countries, Iraq did not- we on the other hand, did. Comparing Hussein to Hitler is like comparing a Geo Metro to a Corvette).
I have interest in this issue for several reasons. I was in the military and I know the men and women out there are willing to give their life to maintain freedom here and throughout the world. I was there when we liberated Kuwait. There is no greater feeling than to see people from other countries waving the American flag and thanking you for saving their country and their lives (big difference again is that Kuwait was invaded. Iraq was not....oh- wait, yeah they were- BY US). Iraq's government let's you see only what they want (so does ours- ever heard of a classified document?) The everyday peope like you and me want freedom. I also have interest because I'm a firefighter. The lives of my brothers and sisters are at hand if terrorists strike again. Its been proven that Saddam supports terrorism ( no comment required, is there?) If left alone he could develope nuclear weapons if he hasn't already (at least he knows how to use the word 'nuclear' properly).
Would you protest war if a nuclear weapon was detonated in the United States, in a place like Los Angeles where millions would be killed. Would all the actors and actresses who protest war now change their minds, would they be alive to? To them I say this is real life not reel life (you know he was so proud to come up with that play on words). How does standing in front of a camera for a living qualify them to talk about or act on such real issues? (point he's making here is that anyone who isn't in the military shouldn't be allowed to express their opinion on war. That would include Dick Cheney, Condoleza Rice, Paul Wolfowitz and Donald Rumsfeld- and yes, that includes Bush. he wasn't in the military, I'm sorry ). I say leave it to real people like the President, government, military, and fire fighters. Where will they be if the !@#$ hits the fan again? Hiding in their million dollar homes, while real people take care of things (either that, or they can join the national guard like our Comander in Chief).
To the girl who turns her back on the flag during the National Anthem. The very fabric you turn your back on is what gives you the freedom to do so (actually, its the Bill of Rights, not a piece of red white and blue cloth). Would you bite the hand that feeds you? If you do this is a good way to starve to death (again, death is implcit when you say starve. Thats like saying 'I killed myself to death').
This is a great country, best in the world in most opinions. We are a country of morals and goodness and we can't back down to tyranny even if it means war. This is a country of Freedom and we should support freedom throughout the world. United we stand, divided we fall!

Tate Cobb,

Ok, so this last sentence tells it all. He's saying: To all of you out there who don't agree with me or the war, you're the reason for our coutry's downfall. So stop whining, join the rest of the herd, and stop making waves. Stop excersizing your freedom of speech, or we'll lose it!

I don't know what is more sad.... that someone who can be ignorant enough to write this out and truly believe it, or that so many other people (my co-worker for example) are just as stupid and pin it up on their desks? The jackass is basically saying that people who don't agree with him shouldn't be able to exersize free speech!! And he thinks that is patriotic! Ugh. I really need to look into that whole Canada thing.

walked the dog today:
Bush Placards: 17
Kerry Placards: 11

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