God is a Fascist
2004-10-11, 12:43 p.m.

�We need God back in the White House�

When I read things like that, it really makes me sad for this country. A little message to all of you Bible Thumpers out there- If you want to live in a Theocracy, I suggest you pack up your shit and head to Saudi Arabia or Iran. Government enacted suppression of any contrary views or beliefs are EXACTLY why the people who founded this country took great pains to keep government and religion at arms length. Contrary to what many of you may think, separation of church and state was not designed to keep government from encroaching onto religion, but to keep religion from encroaching onto the government. They recognized that in order to live in a free society, all views and beliefs have to be treated equally- which means no government sponsored religion- of any kind. I don�t care if 90% of this country is Christian- as soon as you begin enacting laws based on Christian ideology; you�re forcing those beliefs onto a portion of the population that doesn�t agree with them. That is not a free society. During the 2nd debate, Kerry made this point very clear. he said, "I was an altar boy. But I can't take what is an article of faith for me and legislate it for someone who doesn't share that article of faith, whether they be agnostic, atheist, Jew, Protestant, whatever."
The Bible says homosexuality is a sin. That�s fine- if you believe in the Bible, then don�t be gay. But you have to realize that not everyone agrees with or believes in the bible. I have not heard ONE rational reason to ban gay marriage that didn�t involve some religious foundation. �The bible says it�s a sin, so we shouldn�t allow it.� That is all you ever hear. �We have to protect the �sanctity� of marriage.� Sorry- sanctity is a religious term- you lose. Marriage, as far as the government is concerned, is nothing more than a legal binding of two people. Period. What do you care if its two men or two women? How does that affect your life in the slightest? Answer: It doesn�t. The only reason you oppose it is because the Bible says its wrong. The Bible also said that God created the earth in 7 days, and that Adam and Eve were the first humans- which would make us all cousins- I guess that�s why Bush gets so much support from Kentucky and West Virginia. Bottom line is that if you�re going to take the Bible literally, you�re basically rejecting 800 years worth of scientific fact. If you want to live back in the 13 century, move to Afghanistan. Get with the program, people. No one is trampling on your rights. You however, feel it is morally justifiable to trample on the rights of others because of your personal religious beliefs. How would you feel if this country were primarily Islamic, and they in turn decided to force all women to wear burkas when leaving the house, and that they were no longer allowed to drive a car or vote? That sexual dichotomy is rooted in Islam- much the same way contempt for gays is rooted in Christianity (as well as Islam).
In some ways, you have to respect the people of Islam- they at least take their religion seriously. Christians always seem to pick and choose which aspects of their faith they want to live by. �Yeah, I�m Catholic, but I have sex whenever I can.� I guess that goes with the territory when your chosen faith has already absolved you of any wrongdoing. Those people who bomb abortion clinics are my favorite. They feel that abortion is tantamount to murder, so they try and kill the doctor who performs them. Fucking hypocrites. You just killed someone- so how are you any better than the abortionist? And don�t give me that crap that you�re doing �God�s Work�. If you think God is telling you to kill someone, you need to scrunch some tinfoil on your spiritual antenna, because you�re obviously picking up some serious static.
George Carlin said it best. �Religion is responsible for more guilt, hatred, and murder in this world than any other institution.� I�m at work right now, so I�ll continue this later�.

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