Go Red Sox!
2004-10-21, 9:59 a.m.

OK, first off, GO BOSTON!!!!! I was tickled pink watching the Red Sox thoroughly embarrass the Yankees last night. Jessica of course was over watching it with me, and as it turns out, she�s a big baseball fan�.just like Anne...Argh. She kept talking about the players and blah blah blah blah blah. I don�t think I could have made it any more obvious I didn�t give a rat�s ass if I tried. I was practically on the verge of saying, �Do you think you could not talk for five minutes and we could just watch the fuckin� game?� Eventually I think she caught on that I REALLY wasn�t paying attention to her because there were a couple of times she�d start a sentence and then just stop in the middle of it- making no effort to pick up where she left off. She asked me on Tuesday night what had gone wrong with Kasia and I...I told her that basically Kasia wasn�t a very good listener and was constantly talking about her work. I told her that Kasia didn�t really listen, she just waited for her turn to talk. I tell Jessica all of this on Tuesday, and guess what she proceeds to do last night? She gets over and talks add nauseum about her work, and whenever I say something, I can tell she is just waiting for a chance to take the microphone back and begin blathering again. This of course proves my point that she wasn�t really listening to anything I said the day before- she was just waiting for me to punctuate what I was saying with a period so she could interject. Charlie Kaufman summed it up perfectly in �Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,� when Jim Carey says, �Constantly talking isn�t necessarily communicating.� Or that Talking Heads song, �Psycho Killer�, where David Byrne sings, �You�re talking a lot, but you�re not saying anything.� She stayed the night, too- which I wasn�t really happy about. She is one of those that likes to cuddle while falling asleep, which I cannot do. If I have someone right up next to me, I have a really hard time falling asleep. I knew she was planning on staying as soon as she asked if I wanted to open a bottle of wine. She never really drinks while she�s over if she�s planning on driving home.

Anyway.... We went to bed at the start of the 7th inning stretch. She went down on me again, but still not for very long. I have to say, she�s pretty good at- she just needs to build up her endurance, so to speak. Anyway, since she is at least putting forth the effort, I returned the favor last night in spades. I kept my face buried down there for a good 10 minutes or so- she came three times. And for some reason (most likely the three beers and the wine), it took me forever to finish. She dinged up my headboard last night, which I wasn�t happy about. In the middle of things, she threw her hands back to push against the headboard (which is wood) and I could hear one of her rings just slam into it. This morning I checked, and yup- it left a mark, damn it. So we went to bed at 11:00, but didn�t go to BED until after midnight. It was kind of funny, actually- she got up to use the bathroom, and she couldn�t walk straight. Needless to say, I�m pretty tired this morning.

I just got back from having to use the bathroom here at work, which I hate doing. I don�t mind the urinals, but I was turtling this morning, and needed to use the stall. I don�t know what I ate yesterday to illicit this, but my farts were smelling like a freshly carved pumpkin for some reason. Anyway, in a bathroom with 12 stalls, why does some jackass feel the need to use the one right next to mine? We�re the only two fucking people in there! Hasn�t this shit-for-brains ever heard of a buffer zone, or bathroom etiquette? I don�t understand people sometimes�.
I almost forgot- this time she left her underwear over.

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