Happy Halloween!
2004-10-29, 8:57 p.m.

Due to extreme boredom today, I decided to a)change my template, and b) come up with a new survey. Actually, its more of a pop quiz, and whoever gets the most answers right will get a prize. So here it is: Click here to take the survey

I decided yesterday at work that I wanted to burn the majority of my remaining vacation time next week- so for the next 9 days, I will be able to sleep in and actually get some shit done around the house. Today, for example, I bathed the dog and cleaned the downstairs bathroom. I am very much looking forward to having an entire week off....that hasn't happened all year.

I noticed something yesterday about Jessica that had slipped my attention until then....she feels the need to end off every email she sends with her immediate agenda as soon as she logs off. Here are some examples:

we are about to have our open house here at my internship so i have to do last minute preparations...
I Have to get back to work.� It is alebra day again today, so my brain is short circiting.�
�I have to finish up some paper work then go to lunch and fish for information....Yeah to the narc!� oh wait, information gather.�
I have to get back to work now.�� Talk to you later....
I have to get back to work so I will talk to you later...
I have a couple of interviews I have to do now..
I have to go shower and stuff to go to the play tonight.� I will see you tomorrow.
I will talk to you tomorrow...I have to run to the store before going to the play...

OK, so now that I've noticed this, its been driving me nuts. Does she really think I care? Perhaps I'll start doing the same thing to her...just to see if she catches on. 'Well, I need go try and pop the zit on my ass, so I'll talk to you later.'...'Its colon cleansing day again, so I need to go.' ...I think I'm gonna go jerk off, so give me a call later.'

I doubt she'd make the connection.

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