Christmas can blow me.
2004-10-28, 11:37 p.m.

I swear to fuckin' god, I've had it. I was at Meijers the other day (for all of you who don't live in the midwest, Meijers was Walmart before Walmart even existed). Anyway, I had to go to buy halloween candy. I walked in the main door, and what do I see? Not Halloween shit, but fucking CHRISTMAS shit! I almost started twitching right there. Christmas is already such a complete pain the fucking ass, why do we feel the need to stretch it out over 60 agonizing, misery filled days? I could go the rest of my life without ever giving or receiving an X-mas gift ever again and I would be happy.

Now I am of course not a religious person, but even if I was, CHRISTmas stopped being about CHRIST a long fuckin' time ago. All christmas is these days is an excuse for companies to guilt trip people into wasting money they don't have. Honestly think- when was the last time you got someone a gift- not because you felt you NEEDED to, but because you genuinely wanted to? Can you even remember? I got my sis something this year for her B-day because I thought she might like it....but other than that, I have to make a conscious effort to go out and search for shit I think the recipient MIGHT like....GOD I hate Christmas! What a fuckin' crock of shit! I think if we're going to celebrate a holiday that is only a shell of its former meaning, I prefer Thanksgiving. We don't use it to celebrate the arrival of the pilgrims or whatever, its all about getting stuffed as shit, drunk as shit, and sitting around watching football all weekend in a food and alcohol induced coma. THAT is a fuckin holiday, people. Its all the good things about X-mas minus all the bullshit gift giving. Its almost like Christmas feels the need to mask the alcohol and gluttony behind some dumbass facade of giving and joy, which of course only brings frustration and aggrivation. Thanksgiving is honest- it doesn't hide that shit behind any consumer gilt trip. Its saying, "Hey! Lets pig out, get drunk and watch football all weekend with the fam!" I like that.

Fuck Christmas in the ass!

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