Why do you put up with this shit?
2005-01-30, 1:46 p.m.

You know, I've been writing on here for several months now, and am well aware that most of the people who write on here are XX chromosomes, while I am XY.....yes, us men are in a definate minority on diaryland. That being said, obviously most of the diaries I keep tabs on are also written by XXers. So over the months, I've been reading about all of the trials and tribulations of you ladies and the men you obsess over. More often than not, I've been biting my tongue rather than dole out the harsh reality that most of you seem so capable of ignoring, but I can't take it anymore. This will probably sound a little callous, but WAKE THE FUCK UP! If you're pulling your hair out wondering if this guy likes you, here's a tip: He doesn't. If you're wondering why he hasn't replied to emails or phone calls its because he doesn't want to talk to you. It isn't because he's too busy or because he's playing stupid little games. Its because he doesn't like you. I will never understand why women, who are so much more emotionally developed than men in so many ways are so willing to provide excusses for men when they act like jackasses. If when he sees you he takes you to a hotel instead of his place, its because he's married- or at the least seeing someone else. I don't care if the guy does bring you flowers and wine and tell you how great you are- he's telling the exact same thing to someone else. Quit torturing yourself wondering if he likes you or not- he doesn't. At least not in the way you want him to. For all of your talk about being able to seperate sex and emotions, your ability to do so pales in comparisson to the skill of men. They'll tell you everything you want to hear to get in your pants. Hell, a lot of times it'll sound so convincing because they've even convinced themselves....until they've blown their load. "Oh, its just a physical relationship....I don't expect anything of him." BULLSHIT. Yes you do. Otherwise you wouldn't be writing about him in your diary all the time. If a guy likes you, you won't have to sit and wonder about it. You'll know. He'll call you when he says he going to....and sometimes he'll call for no reason. He won't break plans with you. He'll follow you around like a lost puppy. I am just really tired of reading about you ladies and all of the bullshit you're putting up with. Quit making excuses for these fuckers and waiting around for them to grow up- they're not going to...especially when they realize they don't need to in order to get a piece of ass from you. Why do you let these men treat you like dog vomit? If he likes you, you'll be sitting at home feeling all special and happy- not sitting around pulling your hair out wondering why he hasn't called. Stop making excusses, start using common sense, and move on with your life.

For further research on this topic pick up the book, "He's Just Not That into You."

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