2005-09-22, 2:21 p.m.

You know, the really odd thing is that through all of the stress and BS I've been going through here the past week or so, I forgot to call in a refill for my ass pills last week. Ironically enough, my IBS has been non-existant. I figured I'd be dropping rusty buckets of water in the camode shorty after running out. Perhaps added stress was really all I needed....

Speaking of bowel movements, has anyone else noticed that you can't buy regular rolls of TP anymore? They're all 'double rolls' or 'tripple rolls'. Does anyone even make regular rolls anymore? And what really pisses me off is that on the crappy plastic wrap they package it in, they all advertise about how they have 'Twice as much as regular rolls'. Well, if no one makes regular rolls anymore, shouldn't the double rolls now be the regular rolls simply by default? Boasting that you have twice as much as something that no longer exists isn't much of an advertising gimmick. And why does Charmin have a picture of a bear on the package? As we all know, bears shit in the woods, and I don't know of any grizzlies out there that a) have the manual dexterity to wipe their ass, and b) have the money to buy the TP to begin with. And then there's the one with the baby on the package. Who in the hell uses toilet paper to wipe up after their baby? Isn't that why the same company that makes the TP with the baby on the front the same one that makes baby wipes? If your TP is so god-damned soft that we can use it on our infants, why do you make baby wipes at all?

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