2005-10-03, 7:46 p.m.

Work is really starting to get to me. Even more so than usual. I was told several months ago that I was going to be reasssigned to a new project and that I would be training someone else to do my current job- incidentally, its the same sorry sack-o-shit that I had to train to do my previous job. None of this was really a big deal to me at the time. I was actually sort of looking forward to a change of pace. Well, when it came down to the time to actually make the transition, my boss ended up leaving to work for someone else. Being the uber-intelligent people they are, upper management decided to put someone new in my boss's spot- just on a temporary basis until they could find someone more permanent. I immediately told the head of our department that I would be interested in the job, and he while he sat there listening to me, feigning interest, I could tell everything I was saying was falling on deaf ears. Now, I really wouldn't expect to get the job if there were someone more qualified for it, but there isn't. Now that my boss is gone, I am the only one left that really knows the area- my replacement is clueless and my boss's replacement is almost just as bad. So while I have now officially started my new assignment, I am still having to hold my replacement's hand, am basically doing my boss's job, all the while trying to get work done for my new job. Every time someone has a question, they come to me. This whole thing had really been disheartening to a huge degree. I feel taken advantage of and unappreciated. Assuming they do fine someone permanent to fill the job that I want and am basically doing, who is going to train them on how the area works? ME. So I'm goog enough to fill in for my boss while he's on vacation, and I'm good enough to train someone to do the job, but I'm not good enough to do it? Bullshit. I've already started looking for a new job. I cannot keep doing this. Its too mentally exhausting. As much as I don't want to leave, I am beginning to think its my only course of action at this point. Perhaps when I'm gone they'll finally realize their mistake....

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