
sexyatheist - 2006-09-11 16:38:00
that was incredibly beautiful and incredibly well put. it really is sad how in 5 years we can go from being proud to be a part of this country, to being completely ashamed of it. because i feel exactly the same way.
letty - 2006-09-11 17:00:21
You have such a way with words... In anycase it's so sad how things change so quickly
erika - 2006-09-12 12:39:56
just wondered if you have seen v for vendetta. it's truly a fucking awesome movie. anyways... if you haven't, it is related to your article. hope you are well sir. xox to you from someone who drives by your old house daily.
ricky - 2006-09-13 23:05:12
I appreciate your comments and your entry, but where all you see is some huge republican campaign to win elections, that's all I see coming from the democrats.

Heh, I just wrote a long comment on all your worries and what nots that you posted, but what it all comes down to is, they are all election talking points for the democratic party. And I guess, you see the same for the republican party. Politics is played on both sides. I understand the divide in the country in as far as both sides rely too much on what thier elected officials are telling them than what they know to be true.

There are several issues I disagree with Bush on. Some of them dealing with this war. What worries me though, about your post is, you think the threat is a fabricated lie created to scare people into voting. I don't get that at all. When year after year America is attacked, and finally 9/11 happens and people can just look the other way and say, "threat? What threat?" is beyond my comprehension. When people are more worried about the rights of terrorists than they are about the safetey of thier own country, I worry. When people blow a necasary goverment operation to catch terrorists by listening to "terrorists calling the country", out of proportion because they think the goverment is wiretapping every home in america, I worry.

I just don't understand the mindset that could watch those planes fly into those buildings. And see those people jumping from the towers and then say that the threat we face comes not from the people responsible for that tragedy but from a president who has done what he could to keep it from happening. Its easy to say what should have been done when your not the one who has to make the decisions. And I guess it's easy to say that the threat is overblown by wicked republicans when there hasn't been a another attack in five years....under the term of that president.

Anyway, thank you for at least leaving a contact this time. And if this comment doesn't quite feel right for ya being here, feel free to delete it. And for the record, I think you and everybody else has the right to say whatever they want about anything they want. I just wish more people would think about who's actually hearing what they are saying and how what they say and who hears it,efects the rest of us. I'm sure you'd say the same though... And that note, I agree to disagree with you. At least there's that. :-)
Des - 2006-09-14 20:29:48
I would have to say you couldn't be more accurate on all of it. Natalie Maines just upped her longer does she simply disagree...she flat out called him a dumb fuck. Although not her most eloquent statement...still pretty right on. And every time you get all political all I can think is "My mother would just LOVE HIM!!! LOVE HIM!!!" If only I could help her figure out diaryland. ha

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