
Desiree' - 2006-10-10 15:45:56
exactly. My mom and I just had a conversation about this...Just the way they live their lives...the pervert that took those girls lives...and the fact that the community in which they live is truly something to aspire to. Those are people that have their priorities in order. And then comes the progress really so damn progressive? The more we advance as a society...the more we decline as human beings. But, that's just my thoughts on the matter.
Julianna - 2006-10-11 00:06:56
i agree with you completely. i live in southern illinois with a lot of rural areas. amongst that area,are A LOT of amish and mennonites. i see them every day in town,shopping. they are normal,honest,nice people just like you and me. they make a living off of building farms,making food,and selling furniture at a local store. granted,some of the guys have some b.o. but they are fairly nice guys. we do not use it as a reason to make a profit,these families do just fine with or with out my towns help.
Erika - 2006-10-11 08:19:19
right on.
Jim - 2006-10-11 10:23:15
I agree with everyone. Desiree's comment about declining as human beings hits the nail on the head. I gave up on the majority of the human race a long time ago. Everyone complains that kids these days are selfish, only thinking of themselves and their needs. But this is what's being taught at home and in the schools! So much time is devoted to making sure kids express their own individuality that the message of �help your neighbor� is completely lost. Nobody gives a rats a$$ about anyone else these days. It�s funny, not too long ago a woman at work commented on me opening my car door for another woman going to lunch with me. She thought it was nice and went on about how nobody does that anymore. The sad thing is that 40 years ago, nobody would�ve commented on someone opening the door for a woman, but would�ve commented if you didn�t open the door. You were taught by your parents or even at school that you should do these kinds of things for people, that helping was a good thing, and that sometimes someone else should come first, not just you all the time and with no regard for anyone else. The Amish truly have their priorities in order. And wow, can I hear/see your mom having that conversation� :)

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