Good bye
2004-07-30, 3:47 p.m.

Erika, you pathetic little bitch.

"I thought about calling Jeff, but he's probably busy. What's the use anyways? (sound familiar??)" Fuck you. You deserve to spend the rest of your life with that waste of oxygen, Nathan. You call me up on Sunday in tears, saying you and Nathan are through, and that you want to come over. Stupid, naive me, thinking you wanted a friend to talk to, to tell you it is going to be OK, that you're better off without him, when all you wanted was to get high and fuck. And the next day, you're back with Nathan. What the fuck do you think I am? Some tool for getting even with him for his shitty behavior? When have I not been there for you? I had plans to see Anne on Sunday, I'll have you know, and I canceled them because I thought you needed a friend. You should have just called that guy in trenton you were fucking a while back if that is all you were after- or whats his name with the big dick... or any of the other guys you slept with to make yourself feel better in lieu of having any self respect or dignity. Because let me tell you, that is all you are to them- a piece of ass. They don't give two squirts of piss about you, and you obviously don't give two squirts of piss about them, or me. I always thought of you as a friend- thought- past tense. I'm not wasting one more minute of my life feeling sorry for you. I can't even count the number of times I've tried to make plans with you just to have you either cancel on me or blow me off all together, and I drop everything at the drop of a hat to be there for you. How DARE you make a snide little comment in your diary like that about me? How many times have I broken plans with you? Can you even name one? You're not a friend, Erika. And it is now painfully clear that you don't view me as one either- I'm just another guy you've been keeping on the line in case you feel like fucking someone else to get back at your boyfriend. The next time Nathan completely humiliates you (which I am betting will be within the next two weeks), don't even think of dialing my #. I never want to hear from you again. For the past three years, I have considered you a friend- one of the VERY few people in this shit hole town I thought I MIGHT be able to count on. I guess I was wrong. After all the times I've tried to tell you that you're wasting your time with Nathan, and that he is doing more harm to you than he is good- after all the times he's proven me right, with his lies and demeaning behavior, here you are. Still with him. And you're little girl looking up to him as her daddy. You sure did pick a winner, Erika- your own flesh and blood having a lying, cheating waste as a father figure. The only person I feel sorry for now is Sydney. As far as you're concerned, you've made your bed, and you can wallow in it.

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