
letty - 2005-10-07 13:08:10
Jeffy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Oh My Fuck!!!! That was hilarious, I actually burst out laughing here when I got to the part about Katie Holmes. Karma's a bitch... Than will you believe there's a god?? Just kidding.. But that would be AWESOME!!!!!
Erika - 2005-10-07 13:34:02
HAHAHAHAHAHA. It's KATE Holmes, Tommy boy has put the kinish on Katie. It's too "juvenile"... hmm.. considering she's how many years his junior? UGH. xox.
Julianna - 2005-10-07 13:39:27
wasn't tom cruise all anti-baby making because he wanted nicole kidman to keep her figure? hes also into christian you have to be a pretty big fucking idiot to date that douche. let alone,bare his children.
jes - 2005-10-07 15:38:51
celebs piss me off. they are hired help, and they don't know it. I pay them to entertain me. so why are they so goddamn full of themselves.

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