
Erika - 2006-11-29 19:22:59
not being an ass or anything jeff. but i really hope that you have changed as well. you were such an unhappy person and i hope that you have found happiness with Emily. anyways. xox.
Jessica M. - 2006-11-29 21:22:34
I really hope you've changed... It'd be really sad if you cheated on your wife, or if she cheated on you. I always thought that, perhaps there was a reason for people to lie to their loved ones. Could it be they are not happy at all? Maybe all those feelings are fake. I don't know... for I have never been with someone. I am too young and unexperienced. But I am daughter of a man who has cheated on women several time, including on my mother. I thank God they are not married anymore, and I try to live with it. Because trust me... acknowledgement of such acts from your own father is real pain... So if you have children with your wife, please... Never ever think about lying to her that way. God bless!
Des - 2006-11-29 23:47:47
You know...what's funny to me is that..yes cheating happens in most relationships now. It's like...a common practice. And it sucks. And I've done some of the same..but for me, the cheating of my husband hurt me...the lying and omitting was so much worse. It got to the point that I knew one thing to be true...but I was told everything opposite as fact...and I ended up feeling crazy. And it was a huge part my fault, for allowing someone to influence me that way. And it's wonderful how the current, no matter who that may be, will have to atone for the sins of the past...but I just think that can't be helped. Maybe I'm wrong. But I take the little white lies far more seriously now. I'm just babbling now...I end up doing that far too often in your comments box. :0)
T - 2006-12-01 14:40:50
Hey, clicked your banner and here I am. Ya know... you stating out loud for yourself and the world to hear that you know you've been less than honest is being... well... honest. You have to be able to be honest with yourself before you can ever think about it with others. Looks like a great first step (for what that's worth, coming from a complete stranger and all).

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