How can someone say this with a straight face?!
2006-09-14, 3:43 p.m.

"There are some people, and I'm one of them, that believe George Bush was placed where he is by the Lord. I don't care how he governs, I will support him. I'm a Republican through and through."

So THAT is what it means to be a republican! To completely disregard all relevant information and base your decisions on something that truly has no impact on your life whatsoever. I think this lady should do everyone else in this country a favor- if she believes her elected officials are placed by a higher power, than voting shouldn�t really matter. So I submit she should just stay home on Nov. 2nd since her vote (and everyone else�s for that matter) has no bearing on the outcome. People like this scare the bejesus out of me. How could you not care how he governs!? How could you not care he went to war with the wrong country? I wonder if she�d still feel that way if her husband or son was killed in Iraq. This wasn�t some minor mistake like buying crunchy peanut butter instead of creamy. Hell, surgeons who accidentally amputate the wrong leg catch more flak than Dubya has. I mean, I got a pretty bad tongue lashing from my wife for buying the wrong tampons at the store. But this asshole invades the wrong country sacrificing thousands of American lives, and what is his punishment? He gets reelected. He gets reelected because people like the lady who muttered the above quote somehow have the brain power to get themselves to a voting station every two years. I am proposing a new law: When you go to vote, there should be a 20 question multiple choice test attached to the ballot. The questions will be based on current events and the candidates running for whatever offices you�re voting for.

Question: Did Iraq have WMD�s before the invasion?
A) yes
B) no

Question: Were Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden frat brothers?
A) yes
B) no

You take the test, cast your vote and leave. When the votes are tallied, anyone scoring below a certain amount- say 70%- will have their ballot thrown in the incinerator. I mean, you have to pass a test in order to drive car, so I think you should have to do the same in order to elect someone to office. As we have seen recently, a Presidency in the hands of a man drunk with power can be even more dangerous than an automobile in the hands of a man drunk on booze.

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