Poor Charles
2004-07-22, 7:03 p.m.

Anne is leaving tomorrow for Cleveland for the weekend, and I'm not sad about that at all. I won't miss her. I might miss having someone to hang out with this weekend, but I won't implicitely miss HER. We are starting to click a little bit better physically, but she doesn't give me the feeling of security and well being that I think is suppose to be there. That is really what it is suppose to be about it, isn't it? Finding someone who makes you happy? We get along fine, and we have a lot in common, but that is it. I think part of her feels the same way. This seems to be more a matter of convenience for both of us more than anything else. I guess that is ok, so long as we are both on the same page. Who knows- I could be wrong. She could be thinking of names for our children, for all I know.

Work today sucked ass. What else is new? This whole week has sucked ass. Today just sucked more ass than usual. On a scale of 1 ass to 10 asses, I think today was like an 8 ass sucking day. The help they told me was going to be here tomorrow won't be, and they can't give me any kind of idea when they are going to get me any help. I've been working 11 hour days basically all week. That in and of itself adds at least one more ass suck to the tally.

They still haven't replaced my windshield, either. On a lighter note, there was this spider who was hanging out around the sink in my dowstairs bathroom for the past few days. I named him Charles. Well, I found Charles face down in the toilet this morning. I peed on him and flushed him down the drain. I hadn't really gotten that attached to him, so it wasn't that big of a deal. Sometimes I wish they'd just flush me down the drain, too. I mean, hell- they've already been pissing on me all week.

I think I'm going to pop in a flick, down a few beers, and head to bed. Maybe I'll jerk off first. Not now, mind you- after the movie.

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