Idiot drivers
2005-07-17, 4:50 p.m.

God, I hate idiots. Yesterday for lunch, Emily and I were driving to this indian restaurant to meet some friends of ours to partake in the all you can eat indian food buffet. Well, the traffic was pretty bad, and I drove up to an intersection at which I had a green light. However, the traffic was backed up so far at the next light that had I actually moved, I would then have been stopped right in the middle of the intersection. So rather than doing that, I waited so the people going in the opposite direction would still have a left turn lane, thus doing my best as a conscientious driver to facilitate the flow of traffic. Well, the dip shit in the Dodge Durrango behind me didn't quite see it that way. He kept inching closer and closer to my bumper and revving his "Hemi Powered" piece of shit SUV in an attempt to get me to move. When that didn't work, he laid on his horn. Where did this dumb shit think he was going? Even if I had moved, he would have been a grand total of 12 feet closer to his destination before having to stop again. When the light ahead of us finally turned green and line of cars began to move, I went through the intersection. He of course then changed lanes and sped past me honking his horn- only to then get caught at the next light, right next to us. I just kept staring over at him shaking my head. I actually found it kinda funny. I mean, this guy is an SUV- he can obviously see the line of cars stopped ahead of me, but for some reason decided to label me as the reason he wasn't going anywhere. I honestly think a good 15 to 20 percent of drivers need to have their licenses revoked. That ass clown being one of them.

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